Peer Review Process

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Paper Peer Review Process

The International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology (INCOBEST) implements a peer-review policy of single-blind review, where each paper will be evaluated and reviewed in layers. The proceedings editor will evaluate the submitted article to determine its suitability with the conference focus and scope. Once the article is accepted by the committee, it is sent to two independent expert reviewers. Their role is to review and recommend whether the article is suitable enough to be published by journal/proceeeding. After going through all these processes and declaring recommendations by reviewers, the paper can be submitted to journal/proceeeding for publication.

The accepted manuscripts have successfully undergone a similarity test with results showing a similarity score below 25% when analysed using a similarity checker application. This indicates that the manuscripts have met the criteria for originality and have not been extensively copied from other sources, aligning with the principles of academic integrity. Ensuring that scholarly works, such as research manuscripts, pass similarity tests and avoid plagiarism is imperative in maintaining the standards of academic writing.